ANA Discover JAPAN Free & Easy

FAQ : On departure day & during travel

How much time in advance do I neet to get to the airport to make it to departure?
Go through the security checking point at least 15 minutes before the departure. And be arrive at your boarding gate at least prior to 10 minutes. If you do not have seat assigned, or if you wish to check in your baggage please complete the procedure before the security cheking point. Arrive with enough time since congestion is expected. page to top
How can I check operation information of my flight in case of bad weather?
Check the operation information at ANA SKY WEB. Or please call the reservation desk. (Navi Dial 0570-029-075/Calls from public telephones : 0570-200-775). page to top
When do you confirm a flight cancellation?
Operating information details about delay and cancellation is tend to be determined at right before departure depending on the condition. However they can confirm as early as possible, such as typhoon, etc. Please ask ANA SKY WEB or call the reservation desk (Navi Dial 0570-029-075/Calls from public telephones : 0570-200-775). page to top
When I get to the departure airport, my flight has been cancelled.
If your flight get cancelled on the day of departure, you can take the next flight(of the same route), if there is availability. Please contact to the airlines staff. page to top
Do I need to pay the cancellation fee when they cancel my flight in case of bad weather?
In the following cases, tours are cancelled and we will not charge you cancellation fee.
*Cancellation of departure flight due to the bad weather. *Cancellation of tours when the airlines have not decided to cancel at the time of original departure. You can only take the alternative flight that the airlines assign you without charge. An alternative flight is a cancellation charge waiver flight because of the bad weather, natual disaster, or any other unforseen events of the airlines, determined by the airline. *Please inquire directly to the airlines to get the operation information. *Note that if you choose not to take the alternative fligtht the airlines assign you, you will pay a required cost for transport such as trains, buses, etc. page to top
Will ANA Discover JAPAN Free & Easy be on when it is bad weather?
Even if the departure flight cancelled, as long as your H.I.S. store did not contact you for cancellation, we will not cancel your booking. If there is other flight available you can take part in the tour. If you prefer any transportation operating by other airlines and public transport we will not cover the fee. page to top
My return flight has been cancelled so I have changed the date to use ANA Discover JAPAN Free & Easy to the next day. Can I also change the flight?
If the departure flight has changed to the next day, you cannot change your return flight. The travel period will be one day shorter. (Note that even the length of your stay shortened, we will not refund the accommodation fee) page to top
My departure flight has been cancelled. Can I cancel the booking and change the departure date?
If you had to cancel your travel because of cancellation of your departure flight, the total amount of the package will be refunded. We cannot provide alterative package. Please make a new booking. Note that booking must be prior to 7 days of departure. page to top
I missed (or part of the leg of ) my flight for personal reasons, can I still use the return (or the rest of leg of the) flight?
If you missed departure flight (or one of the legs of your flight) due to pernonal reasons, but you managed to book another flight and you are able to make to the original return flight (or the other leg(s) ) you can still take the rest of your flight in the itinerary. page to top
Is there anything to give in to my hotel when cheki-in?
There is no requred document. Please give your name or itinerary at hotel reception. page to top