"Morning activities" have become established among busy residents of Tokyo. We snuck in to cover morning activity events that even travelers can feel free to take part in. If you wake up early in Tokyo, you can have experiences like these! (Top image: adidas RUNBASE)
The term "morning activities" refers to waking up early and using time in the morning meaningfully to do things like study or exercise. Recently, the style of doing morning activities in large groups has become more popular.
Some examples of this include morning yoga or English conversation lessons, as well as organizing reading meetings through social network sites. This does not just include learning or health maintenance; there are also many people who aim to broaden their network of friends.
Through this feature, from the wide variety of morning activities that have appeared, we will introduce some regularly held morning activity events that are easy for travelers to take part in. Try including them into your morning plans during your stay in Tokyo!
Get your body and mind into top shape with a morning run!
adidas RUNBASE
"Adidas RUNBASE" is located in the Imperial Palace area, one of Tokyo's most prominent running spots. It is a specialized facility for runners, featuring a sales booth for the latest running goods and spacious locker rooms.
"Running clinic," a running event that is free of cost and is held for different levels, is especially well-received among customers. The lineup contains a wide range of elements, from easy content taught by adidas employees working as coaches to full-on training by contracted advisers. Since shoes and apparel are available for rental, another charm is that it's easy to participate without bringing special equipment.
Group participation occurs often with nighttime events, but for morning events such as morning runs, usually only one person has participated. For that reason, exchange between participants has taken place, and there are many days when you can run in a harmonious atmosphere. Participation reservations can be made over the phone or at stores, so why not ask about an event for your level?
Have fun without bringing special equipment!
Morning run experience report
A beginner at running from our staff took part in a running clinic called "Let's Start! Friday Morning Run - Nishiwaki's Boost Your Morning Run." Look how easy this member's first morning run was!
We asked Mr. Kenji Yagi, the general manager, "What are the best points about morning runs?"
If you run in the morning, your mind and body both do a full turn-around from when you begin, giving you a good start to your workday. Making this a habit will get you into a good lifestyle rhythm. Also, the morning air has a low level of humidity, so running feels good.
adidas RUNBASE
Hirakawa-cho Mori Tower 1F, 2-16-1 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3261-9980 Shop Hours: Weekdays 7:00AM-10:30PM; Weekdays &Holidays: 7:00AM-8:00PM Closed: No set days
Facility Usage Fee:700 yen *Appointments required for running clinic
Increase your positivity with morning laughs!
“Laughter Yoga,” a morning activity to cheer you up
"Laughter yoga" has slowly gained recognition since coming to Japan in 2006. It may be called yoga, but it does not involve difficult poses; it is a laughing exercise that includes yoga breathing techniques. It is not done in the order of saying something funny and then laughing; the act of laughing comes first, which incites the feeling of fun. You'll be surprised by this reverse way of thinking!
“The act of laughing together allows for the release of stress and an increase in communication ability. By breathing from the diaphragm, you promote the travel of oxygen to the brain and the whole body, which is effective in raising the efficiency of your work. I often hear participants saying, 'By laughing so much in the morning, my whole body awakens and I'm able to go to work with a smile,'" says Instructor Sugimoto of "Shienjuku." We hear that by doing this for half a year, you'll get into a positive frame of mind and effects will start to show.
Pine Central Building 2F, 2-11-5 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5159-0711
*"Cheer Up 'Laughter Yoga'" is held every Thursday, from 7:15AM-8:10AM (participation fee is 500 yen). Prior registration from the homepage is necessary.
Reset yourself with morning zazen
“Let's sit for a bit meeting” (morning zen)
At 'Enyuji,' a Tendai sect temple in Meguro, a zen meeting (“let's sit for a bit meeting”) is held on the last Wednesday of every month. There is morning zen and nighttime zen, and each time, 30-60 people gather.
“Zen is about removing the walls you have constructed in your heart and returning to your empty self. Accept yourself as you are, without straining or resisting," says the temple's Vice Priest Oka. One feels calmer just by visiting the temple and hearing about the zen mind.
"In this age, many people focus on worries about the future, and the current moment becomes empty. By affirming first thing in the morning that the current you is the real you, your spirit will hold still and you will be able to delve into each job you have."
1-22-22 Himonya, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3712-2098 Entrance possible 24 hours/day
* The "Let's sit for a bit meeting" is held on the last Wednesday of every month (participation is free). Morning zen is from 8AM to about 9AM; nighttime zen is from 8PM to about 9 PM. Prior registration is necessary.